Parsing fixed-width flat files with Clojure

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Fixed-width flat files!

Have you seen files like these?

01AUTOGIRO              20091110193055123456BET. SPEC & STOPP TK4711170009912346
82200911100    00000000000001010000003000000009912346000000RIDLEKTION          0
82200911105006 000000000000010200000030000000099123460000000FAKTNR156          0
82200911105006 000000000000010300000030000000099123460000000FAKTNR157          0
32200911100    000000000000011100000010000000099123460000000FAKTNR153          0
32200911100    000000003333102200000010000000099123460000000FAKTNR151          1

Application Integration

This particular file is an example file for the Swedish direct debit transaction reports. Each row is fixed 80 characters long. Previously when I’ve worked with application integration between banks and ERP systems, I’ve often encountered these types of files. It is quite handy to be able to parse them, either completely or just extract relevant information, and send on further into another system.

Data parsing in Clojure

All the code presented here, can also be found in the following gist.

I’d like to show you how you can use Clojure for parsing files like these, if you were to encounter them.

We’ll start by describing our parsing rules. The rules are stored in a separate file, as plain Clojure data.

A rule book is a set of rules, each describing a specific row in the flat file. It has

The identifiers and segments both are described by

In addition, for each segment we have the possibility to include a data type annotation. This will enable us to later on parse the fields into more useful data types.

Let’s have a look at some rules for a subset of the data in our direct debit example from above:

[{:id "opening-record"
  :identifiers [{:start-pos 1 :end-pos 2 :id-string "01"}
                {:start-pos 3 :end-pos 10 :id-string "AUTOGIRO"}
                {:start-pos 45 :end-pos 64 :id-string "BET. SPEC & STOPP TK"}]
  :segments [{:id "datetime-written" :start-pos 25 :end-pos 38 :data-type :datetime}
             {:id "customer-number" :start-pos 65 :end-pos 70 :data-type :long}
             {:id "account" :start-pos 71 :end-pos 80 :data-type :long}]}
 {:id "debit"
  :identifiers [{:start-pos 1 :end-pos 2 :id-string "82"}]
  :segments [{:id "payment-date" :start-pos 3 :end-pos 10 :data-type :date}
             {:id "payer-id" :start-pos 16 :end-pos 31}
             {:id "amount" :start-pos 32 :end-pos 43 :data-type :amount}
             {:id "payment-reference" :start-pos 54 :end-pos 69}
             {:id "status" :start-pos 80 :end-pos 80 :data-type :long}]}
 {:id "credit"
  :identifiers [{:start-pos 1 :end-pos 2 :id-string "32"}]
  :segments [{:id "payment-date" :start-pos 3 :end-pos 10 :data-type :date}
             {:id "payer-id" :start-pos 16 :end-pos 31}
             {:id "amount" :start-pos 32 :end-pos 43 :data-type :amount}
             {:id "payment-reference" :start-pos 54 :end-pos 69}
             {:id "status" :start-pos 80 :end-pos 80 :data-type :long}]}]

We load the rule books from file, and use the Clojure reader to get the data structure. In our case, a vector of rules, each being a hash-map.

(defn load-rulebook [file] 
  (with-open [r (reader file)]
    (read (PushbackReader. r))))

We’ll need a couple of helper functions, taking care of the ground work.

extract-str takes a String and a segment definition and parses the substring defined from the start to the end position:

(defn extract-str [s segment]
  (let [start (:start-pos segment)
        end (:end-pos segment)]
    (subs s (dec start) end)))

To match a rule, all of the identifiers needs to be matched:

(defn match-identifier? [row ident]
  (let [s (extract-str row ident)]
    (= s (:id-string ident))))

(defn match-rule? [row idents]
    (every? #(match-identifier? row %) idents))

To keep it simple, we do a simple linear search to find a matching rule, by testing them in order

(defn find-rule [row rules]
  (first (filter #(match-rule? row (:identifiers %)) rules)))

Once we’ve found a match based on our identifiers, we parse the row using the segments description

(defn parse-with-rule [row rule]
  (let [segs (:segments rule)
        extracted (reduce #(assoc %1 (keyword (:id %2)) (extract-str row %2)) {} segs)]
    (assoc extracted :id (:id rule))))

(defn parse-file [file rules]
  (with-open [r (reader file)]
      (map #(parse-with-rule % (find-rule % rules)) (line-seq r)))))

We can now test it with something like:

(parse-file "data/dd.txt" (load-rulebook "rules/dd.clj"))

({:id "opening-record", :account "0009912346", :customer-number "471117", :datetime-written "20091110193055"}
 {:id "debit", :status "0", :payment-reference "000000RIDLEKTION",
  :amount "000000300000", :payer-id "0000000000000101", :payment-date "20091110"}
 {:id "debit", :status "0", :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR156",
  :amount "000000300000", :payer-id "0000000000000102", :payment-date "20091110"}
 {:id "debit", :status "0", :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR157",
  :amount "000000300000", :payer-id "0000000000000103", :payment-date "20091110"}
 {:id "credit", :status "0", :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR153",
  :amount "000000100000", :payer-id "0000000000000111", :payment-date "20091110"}
 {:id "credit", :status "1", :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR151",
  :amount "000000100000", :payer-id "0000000033331022", :payment-date "20091110"})

Not just strings, real data types

Finally we add parsing of correct data types. We use the tag :data-type we included in the rule book. We let a multimethod dispatch on the :data-type. The default is just to return the string. As input to the multimethod we give it the segment defintion, together with the value to be parsed as :value. Below are a couple of different data type implementation, for dates and amounts and so on.

(defn date-formatter [format timezone]
  (let [d (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. format)]
    (.setTimeZone d (java.util.TimeZone/getTimeZone timezone))

(defmulti data-type :data-type)
(defmethod data-type :date [s]
  (.parse (date-formatter "yyyyMMdd" "Sweden") (:value s)))
(defmethod data-type :datetime [s]
  (.parse (date-formatter "yyyyMMddHHmmss" "Sweden") (:value s)))
(defmethod data-type :long [s] (Long/parseLong (:value s)))
(defmethod data-type :amount [s]
  (let [v (:value s)]
    {:kr (Long/parseLong (subs v 1 10))
     :ore (Long/parseLong (subs v 10))}))
(defmethod data-type :default [s] (:value s))

To use the data parsing we extend out definition of extract-str to call it before returning.

(defn extract-str [s segment]
  (let [start (:start-pos segment)
        end (:end-pos segment)
        s (subs s (dec start) end)]
    (data-type (assoc segment :value s))))

Running the same example again, we get a much nicer data set:

(parse-file "data/dd.txt" (load-rulebook "rules/dd.clj"))

({:id "opening-record", :account 9912346, :customer-number 471117,
  :datetime-written #inst "2009-11-10T19:30:55.000-00:00"}
 {:id "debit", :status 0, :payment-reference "000000RIDLEKTION",:amount {:kr 3000, :ore 0},
  :payer-id "0000000000000101", :payment-date #inst "2009-11-09T23:00:00.000-00:00"}
 {:id "debit", :status 0, :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR156", :amount {:kr 3000, :ore 0},
  :payer-id "0000000000000102", :payment-date #inst "2009-11-09T23:00:00.000-00:00"}
 {:id "debit", :status 0, :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR157", :amount {:kr 3000, :ore 0},
  :payer-id "0000000000000103", :payment-date #inst "2009-11-09T23:00:00.000-00:00"}
 {:id "credit", :status 0, :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR153", :amount {:kr 1000, :ore 0},
  :payer-id "0000000000000111", :payment-date #inst "2009-11-09T23:00:00.000-00:00"}
 {:id "credit", :status 1, :payment-reference "0000000FAKTNR151", :amount {:kr 1000, :ore 0},
  :payer-id "0000000033331022", :payment-date #inst "2009-11-09T23:00:00.000-00:00"})

Generate flat files

Another cool thing with this approach is that it is equally simple to use the same rulebook to generate flatfiles given the data structure. Instead of parsing the rows, we create formatters to generate fixed width output.

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